What are the best foods to eat to lose weight in Dubai?

Dubai is the land of dreams, yet somewhere in the daily rush to live the ideal life, health has fallen by the wayside. The residents' waistlines have grown exponentially due to inactivity and poor eating habits. As one of the top weight loss centers in Duba i , we believe that maintaining good health is a choice that can be made by making minor dietary and daily lifestyle adjustments. Here are 5 healthy snacks that will suppress cravings and aid in weight loss that you can rely on from us: MIXED NUTS: Nuts are a great source of vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Many people avoid eating nuts since they are aware that they contain lipids out of concern that they would put on weight. However, research has shown that consistently consuming nuts is not linked to weight gain; on the contrary, they aid in preventing it! GREEK YOGURT: Greek yogurt is a food you should think about including in your diet if you want to lose weight successfully. Greek yogurt...